Dimapur Police have been coming out with great Road Safety messages these days. This time around, they are back again with their ‘This Is Bill’ inspired Road Safety Campaign! And it’s pretty awesome, catchy and connects very well with the youths! Kudos! Dimapur Police, You guys deserve an award!
Check out the pictures and give them a round of applause and yes, go like their facebook page!!!
Wangba uses dipper at night. Wangba is Smart, Be like Wangba!
2. Nchum does not use phone while driving. Be like Nchum!
3. Kevi adheres to single lane driving. Be like Kevi
4. Bokato wears seatbelt, Bokato is smart!
5. And ofcourse there is Asen. Asen wears helmet. Asen is smart. Be like Asen
Head over to Dimapur Police Official Facebook page and hit the like button!!!