This Guy Captures The Lesser Known Beauty of Darjeeling. And It’s Totally Mesmerizing!


You may have seen many times the mesmerizing photos of Darjeeling in its picturesque beauty. There are many aspects of Darjeeling that have been covered extensively in pictures and write-ups. But most of these beautiful pictures of Darjeeling are usually of those shot in broad daylight, dawn or dusk while the night beauty of Darjeeling is left unknown.

This prompted one Asst. Prof of Southfield College, Mr Binod Pradhan to pay a tribute to the lesser covered aspect of the Darjeeling by capturing the beautiful Nightscapes of Darjeeling.  He explains, “All the pictures in these series are views various places of Darjeeling shot during night. My whole concern while clicking these frames was to capture the exotic charm of our hills amidst the dark because most of the stereotypical portraiture of Darjeeling’s charisma is usually framed in daylight, dawn or dusk. I thought that darkness of night was always abandoned. Hence, it is my small endeavor to deliver aesthetic shades to the forlorn darkness…”

Well all we can say is Mr Pradhan has truly captured the night beauty of Darjeeling in the most awesome ways and has captivated us with its Nightscapes!

Without further ado, here’s ‘A Tribute’ by Binod Pradhan


Darjeeling nightscapes


Darjeeling nightscapes


Darjeeling nightscapes


Darjeeling nightscapes


Darjeeling nightscapes

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His works has received wide appreciation from people all over. Even the tourism department, GOI had shared the pictures in their twitter page!

Great job Mr Pradhan!!!

ministry of tourism

PS: A request to our readers, if you do use these pics elsewhere, please give due credit [Pic Via: Binod Pradhan] as he has not used watermark on the pics so that people can enjoy them.

Courtesy: The Darjeeling Chronicle


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