PSY’s Gangnam Style break YouTube View Counter!

Here is an interesting and fun bit of trivia for the coders: The most viewed video on YouTube PSY’s Gangnam Style has been viewed so many times that it broke YouTube’s view counter, making the video the very first ever video to break the reaches of a 32-bit integer.

YouTube on its Google+ posted this:

 gangngam style breaks youtube

Really not sure what the hell that means?

Just know that when you are coding, you frequently have to think how you’re storing data like numbers. Do you want a 32-bit integer, or a 64-bit integer? A 32-bit integer can take up a bit less memory, but be able to only be used to store numbers from −2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647. A 64-bit integer is a bit heavy in its memory usage, but can store numbers from −9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807.

gangngam style gif

As of Gangngam Style’s achievement and following code change, YouTube can now theoretically support videos with up to 9 quintillion views. Keep on watching.

So keep watching ‘Upa Gangngam Style’


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